Shaping the Future of Denmark’s Landscapes

Vote for a

Encapsulates the essence of citizen engagement and participatory decision-making. Danish experts and citizens alike have shared their creative ideas and visions for the repurposing of land once dedicated to industrial pig farming.
Citizen-Driven Solutions embracing the wealth of expertise within our community, Danish people have contributed thought-provoking visions and passionately shared their ideas for sustainable land use. These proposals span a wide spectrum of possibilities, from eco-friendly initiatives, over new green businesses to community-driven projects, each aiming to transform Denmark’s landscape for the better. 
Join the movement, share your idea

Your voice matters

Now, we invite you to be an active participant in shaping Denmark’s future. Share your own innovative ideas for the optimal use of this reclaimed land. Whether it’s an ecological haven, a community space, or a groundbreaking sustainability project, your vision matters! 
Vote for the best idea and collectively decide for a sustainable tomorrow. Cast your vote for the proposal that resonates with you the most. The idea with the most votes will play a pivotal role in the subsequent phases of reinterpreting the free land area. Together, as a collective force, we can pave the way for a more sustainable and vibrant future for Denmark. Act now, and let your vision contribute to the transformation of our shared landscape.


Vote for a Vision

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how to join



film yourself (selfie style is AOK) or get a friend to do it. film in wide format. we don’t need perfect quality, but we need to be able to hear what you are saying, so think about wind and distance to your microphone.


now explain you vision for a different denmark, a denmark where we are not using 33% of the land for farming pigs. your vision can be for a small or big part of this land. there is room for many different visions.


Tell us under which name and profession your video should be listed – and ideally give it a title you can choose to include: who are you? what are you doing already? (but none of this is mandatory) keep it short and sweet!